
MANITOL: White Powder SweetenerCHARACTERISTICS Manitol, also known as Manitol, is a white, odorless, crystalline powder, ideal as a sweetener. PREPARATION To use Manitol:

  • Melting: Heat over medium heat until completely liquefaction.
  • Crystallization: Very carefully, coat the product you want to crystallize.

This product is safe for food use, but it reaches very high temperatures, so be sure to use proper guards when handling.


Key Features of Manitol: Humectant-Free Sweetener Manitol is a sweetener obtained through the hydrogenation of Fructose-D.
It is characterized by its low hygroscopicity and non-humectation, and it can also withstand up to 400°C without burning.
Compared to sucrose, Manitol has little sweetening power (50-60%).

Data Sheet:

Packaging 700 g jar
Ingredients Manitol obtained by hydrogenation (E421i)


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Additional information

Weight 0,793 kg